Call for Papers: Fearful Sounds (Audio and Horror)

Special Issue: Fearful Sounds: Cross-Platform Studies of Audio and Horror

Guest Editor: Danielle Barrios-O’Neill

In recent years there has been an abundance of fascinating scholarship emerging on topics related to sound and horror, particularly in areas engaging podcasts, gaming, and transmedia narrative. This special edition of Revenant invites submissions reflecting on the relationships between sound and fear, aurality and horror, the audio experience and the supernatural. We are interested in explorations of sound in the (broadly defined) horror genre of media and text, seeking new, inventive and risky approaches to the topic of sound.

We welcome scholarly articles and creative submissions on sound/aurality topics including, but not limited to:

• Horror gaming and game design
• Weird podcasts
• Horror/supernatural series (eg. The Walking Dead; Stranger Things; Black Mirror)
• True crime documentary & podcasting
• Transmedia storytelling
• Post-terror audio experiences
• Horror and affect theory
• Evolution of sound effects
• Pattern and noise
• Apocalyptic and/or dystopian ambient sound
• Void aesthetics and silence
• Sound installations
• The horror soundtrack
• Sound and torture
• Auditory hallucinations
• Sound as biofeedback

We especially encourage creative pieces on the above topics. As an online journal we have the capability to embed audio files, and would welcome sound-based as well as text-based submissions.

Please include a short biographical note with your submission (for each author), giving job title and institution, a sentence or two on ongoing research interests, and a contact email.

Abstract submission deadline: 1 March 2017
Article submission deadline: 3 July 2017

Please send abstracts and questions to the issue editor Danielle Barrios-O’Neill at [email protected] and editor Ruth Heholt at [email protected].

Submissions will be reviewed according to the journal’s practice of anonymous peer review. All work must be well written and be accessible to a wide audience including undergraduates and peers. Each paper must make an incremental or novel addition to its field of study. All creative work must be original. All papers will be reviewed in a timely manner. All book and other reviews will be sent out to at least single peer review.

If you are considering submission, please see details of submission guidelines and read through our past issues.